How To clean Boxing Gloves

Why Clean Boxing Gloves – Cleaning Matters

Cleaning your boxing gloves isn’t just about appearances – it has significant benefits for both you and your gloves. Sweating during intense training sessions is part of the game, but that sweat can lead to odor buildup and even mold growth. Plus, letting bacteria fester isn’t exactly pleasant for your hands either. Clean gloves not only smell better but also contribute to a healthier training environment.

Essential Cleaning Supplies

Before we jump into the cleaning Boxing Gloves Cleaning process, let’s gather our cleaning allies:

  • Mild soap or specialized glove cleaner
  • Clean, lint-free cloth
  • Paper towels
  • Water spray bottle
  • Baking soda or cornstarch (for deodorizing)
  • Glove deodorizers
    These supplies will ensure that your gloves are cleaned thoroughly without causing any damage.

Regular Maintenance Routine For Boxing Gloves Cleaning

Step 1: Wiping Down After Use
After an intense session, take a moment to wipe down the exterior of your gloves with a clean cloth. This removes sweat and oils that can lead to unpleasant odors over time. A quick wipe can go a long way in maintaining the freshness of your gloves.

Step 2: Drying Properly
Proper drying is essential to prevent mold and mildew growth. Leave your gloves open and exposed to air, but avoid direct sunlight or heat sources. This helps them dry without compromising the materials.

Step 3: Hand Washing
When your gloves need a thorough cleaning, opt for a gentle hand wash. Mix mild soap with water and dampen a cloth. Gently clean the interior and exterior of the gloves. Pay extra attention to the thumb area and the spaces between fingers. Afterward, wipe them down with a clean, damp cloth to remove soap residue.

Step 4: Machine Washing (with Caution)
If your gloves are machine-washable, place them inside a mesh laundry bag to protect them. Use a delicate cycle with cold water. However, always check the manufacturer’s guidelines before attempting this method, as some gloves can get damaged in the machine.

Step 5: Natural Deodorizing
To keep your gloves smelling fresh, sprinkle a mixture of baking soda and cornstarch inside them. These natural deodorizers absorb moisture and odors. Leave the mixture overnight and shake it out the next day. Your gloves will thank you for this refreshing treatment.

Maintaining Glove Shape

Ensuring your gloves retain their shape is crucial for your hand’s comfort and safety. After each session, reshape your gloves by gently pressing and massaging them. This prevents them from becoming misshapen and uncomfortable.

Tips for Extending Glove Lifespan

Tip 1: Rotate Gloves
Just like you alternate between shoes to extend their life, do the same with your gloves. Having multiple pairs allows each pair to dry thoroughly between uses, preventing moisture-related issues.

Tip 2: Use Hand Wraps
Using hand wraps  not only protects your hands but also absorbs most of the sweat. This extra layer prevents the direct transfer of moisture into your gloves.

Tip 3: Air Them Out
After training, give your gloves a breather. Avoid tossing them in a gym bag right away. Instead, let them air out in a well-ventilated space to reduce moisture buildup.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

One common mistake is leaving gloves inside your gym bag after a session. This traps moisture and creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Also, avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the materials and affect your skin.


Cleaning your boxing gloves is an essential part of being a responsible and hygiene-conscious boxer. Not only does it ensure your gloves remain fresh and comfortable, but it also prolongs their lifespan. Remember, the right cleaning routine can make a world of difference in the longevity of your gear.


Q1: Can I use regular soap to clean my gloves? A: While mild soap can work, it’s better to use a specialized glove cleaner to avoid any potential damage.

Q2: How often should I deep clean my gloves? A: Aim for deep cleaning once every few weeks, or more frequently if you train intensively.

Q3: My gloves still smell after cleaning. What can I do? A: Try placing glove deodorizers or a mixture of baking soda and cornstarch inside them to absorb odors.

Q4: Can I speed up the drying process with a hairdryer? A: It’s not recommended, as direct heat can damage the materials. Opt for natural air drying instead.

Q5: Are there any alternatives to baking soda for deodorizing? A: Yes, activated charcoal pouches also work well to absorb odors.

With these tips, you’re ready to keep your boxing gloves not only clean but also in top-notch condition. Happy training!

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Sarah Berry

Thinking about trying boxing? Let me be your biggest supporter. It's a journey of self-discovery and growth that will have an impact on every aspect of your life ! In my Blog i share information and knowledge that will help you to get in the ring :) Enjoy it !

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